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A lot of industries have used magnetic tapes without realising it. The adhesive material is commonly used in commercial settings, from manufacturing to organising things or standardising the labelling of objects.

Magnetic tapes are suitably used to catalogue items and signpost them.

Self-adhesive magnetic tape is versatile enough that they are often used as an arts and crafts material for signages and labels at home.

You might have encountered it with your hobby, but didn’t have much thought about its functions and use. This type of adhesive is often used in clear visibility but sometimes works subtly to attach items to surfaces.

Magnetic tape comes in various varieties and determining which one works for your needs is one consideration you need to determine. The adhesive is commonly known as a multipurpose magnet because they easily attach on metal surfaces. 

Common Types Of Magnetic Tapes And Their Basic Functions 

There are different types of magnetic tapes, depending on their purpose. Among these types are the natural ones which are used for marking items in shops and organising materials in factories.

Their composition – an adhesive-coated side and a magnetic strip on one side makes them ideal for making non-magnetised items stick to a metal surface. 

Rolls And Sheets

There are magnetic tapes sold in rolls or sheets. They come in various thickness, length, width, and different finishes. This type of magnetic tape is used in commercial industries, merchandising, and the retail industry. 

Magnetic Labels

More often, you can see this type of adhesive in arts and craft stores shaped in rectangular pieces and used as magnetic labels. They are sold in small pieces with a scratch-proof and transparent layer typically used as shelving labels and signals. 

Magnetic Profiles

The versatility of magnetic tapes extends to various commercial applications including groceries and supermarkets for.

functional purposes like attachments to sliding and screen doors, as mobile partitions, and many others. They also come in various colours to fit an existing design and architecture.

Die-cut Magnetic Tapes

Die-cut magnetic tapes serve the same purpose as magnetic labels; only they are designed with a ring or disc shape. 

Magnetic Plates

Magnetic plates are designed to have magnets on both sides to provide an extra strong attachment. They are used to mount objects to surfaces like the car phone mount holder.

The Discernible Advantages Of Using Magnetic Tapes 

When considering a material for your business or home use, thinking about its pros and cons is part of the consideration most people think about first.

Magnetic tapes are no different because there are other ways of attaching things to a surface without opting for them. 

But given its purpose, magnetic tapes are versatile and ingenious pieces of adhesive. They are ideally used in commercial environments because of their gripping power, removable setting, and the reusable capacities of some.

Superior quality magnetic tapes are glued to a surface through its self-adhesive effect. They work on tiles, stone, wood, and wallpaper without the need for any other material.

They are elastic and are resistant to twisting, making them universal in terms of usability.

Magnetic tapes and strips without a self-adhesive effect adhere well to ferrous materials like steel or pig iron casts. The adhesive is fixable on two non-magnetic objects, and its gripping power can hold fast on both objects.  

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